วันเสาร์ที่ 13 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Xbox 360 Repair Manual

Image : http://www.flickr.com

If you are looking for an Xbox 360 repair manual, then you should know that they're quite a lot of different manuals and guides to choose from. Because of this it is important to do a bit of research, that's why I dedicated quite a few hours and over one hundred dollars to determine which guide was the best for the Xbox 360 repair. Although each guide is only about 20 or $30, you don't want to waste your time getting the wrong guide, because it simply painful having to stuff around with your Xbox for over an hour and then having it not work.

Many of the guides that are available on the Internet right now come in the format of PDF or video. Having used both, I would personally recommend that you look into getting one that is based on video instructions. Because of the nature of video, and how it allows you to simply follow along and pause when you get stuck, it is ideal for this sort of thing where you need to stop and start while you are getting used to the process.

Although you still have the option with most of the guides to simply use the follow a long e-book instructions, I think you'll find that it's much easier to simply use the video. Because of this reason I have focused mainly on reviewing the guides that include video.

It is important to note that these guides mainly focused on fixing the three rings of death problem with the Xbox 360. If you are looking for something different than that as in a problem with the laser or something else, then you may have to actually send it off unfortunately, seeing as this is a much more technical and more of a hardware problem.

So the three guides that you may be interested in are three red light fix, Xbox 360 red lights fix, and 360 red light fix. Now I know that all these names sound pretty much the same, but they are actually all different guides. So the good thing about both the first two guides, is that they include both video and PDF instructions. Both these guides are cheaply priced, to the point, address the basic instructions, and will allow you to get the job done.

The fact, is I found the third guide, 360 red light fix, to be the most professional guide even though it only had video instruction when I bought it. The fact was that the video production of this particular instructional guide was so high-quality, that it was very easy to follow and I found it immensely useful and helpful. While the other two guides had video, it simply wasn't up to the standard of 360 red light fix.

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