วันศุกร์ที่ 12 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Xbox 360 Freezing - Find Out What Causes it and How to Get Rid of it Today!

Image : http://www.flickr.com

If you have found your way to this article then you are probably looking to find out why your console keeps on freezing up on you, and the good news is you have come to the right place as this article will tell you why your Xbox 360 is freezing and how to stop it from happening.

The main reason this problem happens is down to the two main chips on the motherboard and they're called the GPU and the CPU. As you use your Xbox 360 normally playing your games these two components take far too much heat which is nothing to do with where you place your Xbox have more to do with inadequate cooling.

Then finally when they've taken far too much heat they shut off to prevent damage to the motherboard and that is when you get a game freeze!

Eventually the soldering will snap off and then you will see the red lights on your power button which is quite a common problem.

The good news is there is a way to stop the Xbox 360 freezing and all you need to know is how to stop the heat build up on the chips. To do this it is a good idea to get an Xbox 360 repair guide that will show you how to do this with household items or of course you can send it back to Microsoft but you're probably have to wait for four weeks to get your console back.

The actual repair work is not rocket science and if you find a good Xbox 360 repair guide that includes video and a full guarantee then you cannot really go wrong and also it is a lasting fix as as long as you perform the fixed correctly you will not need to do it again.

If you do not wish to do this then you may want to invest in an Nyko Intercooler caller which is a fan that plugs into the back of the console and gives it some extra cooling.

Hope this article has told you why your Xbox 360 freezes and how you can fix it.

Happy gaming!

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